Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Rant (or, Why)

Why is it that we expect acknowledgement from even those that do not matter to us; the people that do not feature prominently and more often than not, not at all, on our radar?
Is it innate insecurity?
Is it a sense of low self-worth?
Or, are we just conditioned to be attention seeking?

I do not play cricket; but i would rather have my name picked out during team selection than not at all.
I cannot sing; but i would rather be considered for a place in the last line of the choir than not at all.

Do we really need someone else, how much ever insignificant(to us), to show us our place on the ladder? And should we work ourselves up when placed at a rung far lower than we thought fit for ourselves; alternately, should we consider it vindication if that someone else mirrored our own idea of ourselves?

Sultry afternoons are not for me.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Exams is evil.
(Not necessarily necessary)

Exams wears black.
And has a hood.
A sick-le too, most times.

Its friends are evil. Too.
They have excellent distant vision.
(Or somesuch)

I want to kill Exams.
With Murphy.
No, no. We dont collaborate on morbid adventures,
I want to kill Exams.
And, i want to kill Murphy.

Thats all.