Sunday, December 3, 2006

No Gloomy Sunday this.

Started as it did with bouts of phlegm-evacuating exercises, one would have expected the rest of the day to be as phlegmatic. Life, Calvin says, is full of surprises, but never when you need one. Prophetic. For, i did not WISH for a surprise and voila, there it was in store, gift wrapped in pretty red.

Sorority of sorts organised a programme that proved to be more than rewarding; progenitors paid a surprise visit. Man, woman and child enjoyed quiet day out, cut off from the heat and tension, quite literally so, for nestled we were, under long, accomodating bamboo shoots. Unplanned picnic in a park that had not seen our shadows for an exact dozen years. Very nice. Very nostalgic.

The walk from Minsk square to Chinnaswamy is a most delightful one. Gentle autumn breeze knocks at your chest, enough to make you snuggle up to yourself. As you walk, the brick colored steeples of St Andrew's lie in stark contrast against a lone flowering tree on the road. Like Buson once said,

Spring is nearly gone
So now this old cherry tree
decides to bloom.

Bangalore, i tell you, is for the romantics.(which perhaps explains, why the above lines read very insipid)

Now, on to Strand book fair which, i reiterate is a farce. The upto 80% off tag holds good for books depicting earthworm cooking, Vietnamese tribe style. In other words, don't go. Unless of course, you have a deadline to spend a certain amount of money and the world's all destroyed, save Chinnaswamy stadium. Then, run.
Lizard-self could not help but peer down others' bookbaskets, only to be thoroughly disappointed with the piling Coelhos, Sheldons and Archers. No judgement; but why?

People with money,
lots of it, buy ugly books.
Lament of the day.

Visit to another bookshop blossomed into four more books. So, yay! A quickbite at the quintessential grab-a-bite place (literally so, for the waiting customers glare down, grab and bite you if you took any longer nibbling) later, the ideal post-apertif!

Paan, Banarasi shtyle!

Bhaat do they say?

All it takes for a
good day to end well is, but,
a better night's sleep.


tangled said...

What did you bought?
Most important point ignored.
And you write too convoluted for my fever-ridden brain.
Hard to read.

*sniffle-snort* I'm ill.
Don't like it.

Amulya said...

I'm hungwie.

Weltschmerz said...

So, you came looking for breakfast?
Read carefully Burping Thrush, we serve breakfast only for champions.

(Burping championship winners dont count, just in case)

tangled said...

Why are you only replying to the bird? >:(

Weltschmerz said...

Tangled, i hope you are feeling alright now. Them nostrils dont keep you sneezing i hope.

There. Reply!

Weltschmerz said...

I am sure.